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Body, Body, Body, 2013

Body, Body, Body, 2013

In my practice I pursue an exploration of my body through exposure and manipulation. Discovery and stimulation manifest as the mind and body work in unison, while elements such as amusement, vicarious embarrassment, comfort and discomfort set out to involve the viewer.This stimulation is accomplished when I realize that it is not imperative to remove all of my pubic hair in order to feel sexy. Or when I yearn for a time when women gathered in celebration for the arrival of their first period, dressing the newest member of womanhood in the finest jewels and getting her drunk off their best wine. Body, Body, Body ponders the notions that my surroundings have forced me to internalize and project onto myself and others. For example, why is it unbecoming of a woman to wear cut-off shorts when cellulite consumes her upper thighs? And why is it so common for women to loathe their menstrual cycles, to the point of eliminating them completely? Through humorous, absurd and sometimes vulnerable situations, I want to provide possibilities for remodeling these deep-rooted societal norms.