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Oopsy Oops von , vor 15 Jahren

L-systems were developed in 1968 by the Hungarian biologist Aristid Lindenmayer. It’s powerful recursive technique for describing natural-looking organic forms. Many of us studied the turtle graphics(LOGO) at school or university at Computer science lessons. Here the turtle control by next rules: „F" move Forward „B" move Backward „+" or „Y" turn y Left by angle (here 30°) „-" or „y" turn y Right by angle „&" or „X" pitch x Left by angle „^" or „x" pitch x Right by angle „>" or „Z" roll z Left by angle „" or „z" roll z Right by angle Here start point of turtle in area of coccyx. Copy and paste command to play with L-system F:[[BB]+B^^B]F[[-FF]+++F--^F]F

Exey Panteleev | CC BY 2.0