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The Power Within You

Shakti means power, energy, or force. Mythologically, Shakti is always described as feminine, often personified as the goddess, Devi, the divine feminine consort of the divine masculine god Shiva.

But at the deepest level, Shakti transcends gender.

Metaphysically, in Indian tradition—as well as in Taoism (where they refer to Shakti as „chi” or „qi”), Shakti is the name given to the fundamental creative dynamism that gives rise to universes.

She is considered the source of both matter and physical energy, as well as of just about everything else.

Her dance is the dance of the cosmos.

This video was created using images, films and soundtracks on the internet and public domain or released as CC0 public domain materials and creatively recomposing an emotional collage for an audiovisual of images and sounds.

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