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MrSpinnert von MrSpinnert, vor 3 Jahren
Wild West Compressed: The Melody of an Untamed Loner (2019)

Wilder Westen komprimiert: Die Melodie eines ungezähmten Einzelgängers …

Der wilde Westen! Cowboys, die durch weite Landschaften galoppieren, sehnsüchtige Blicke in die Ferne, riesige Egos, die sich bis aufs Blut duellieren – da braucht es natürlich die Breitwand! Was aber, wenn der Western mit der Zeit geht und von unseren Cowboys die gleiche Leistung im Hochformat erwartet?

The wild west! Cowboys galloping through vast landscapes, yearning looks into the distance, huge egos duelling to the blood – of course it needs the wide screen! But what if the Western moves with the times and expects the same performance of our cowboys in vertical format?

Directed by Christian Kaufmann
Produced by Linda Krauss
Technical Director Janik Otterbach
Storyboards & Animation by Oscar Bittner
Concept Art & Animation by Sarah Schulz
Concept Art & Animation by Laura Staab
Animation & Graphic Design by Damaris Zielke
Modeling / Texturing & Look Development by Wunna Winter
Effects by Niklas Wolff
Music by Tim Hennig, Hannes Bieber
Sound Design by Johanna Roth
Voice Acting by Ed Cantu
Guitar by Julian Staudenmaier
Harmonica by Christoph Weiss

Wild West Compressed: The Melody of an Untamed Loner | Animated short film (2019)