Dr. Victoria Bateman – Naked Feminism (Trailer)
Dr. Victoria Bateman – Naked Feminism (Trailer)
„Naked Feminism: Breaking the Cult of Female Modesty“ (erscheint im Vereinigten Königreich am 10. März 2023 und in den USA am 16. Mai 2023) ist das neue Buch von Dr. Victoria Bateman, der hochgelobten Autorin von „The Sex Factor: How Women Made the West Rich“.
Dr. Victoria Bateman – Naked Feminism (Trailer)
Naked Feminism: Breaking the Cult of Female Modesty (published in the UK on 10 March 2023 and in the USA on 16 May 2023) is the new book by Dr Victoria Bateman, the acclaimed author of The Sex Factor: How Women Made the West Rich.
Dr. Victoria Bateman – Naked Feminism (Trailer)