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MrSpinnert von MrSpinnert, vor 82 Jahren
The Mysterious Rider (1942)

„The Mysterious Rider“ is a 1942 western film directed by Sam Newfield from a screenplay by Sam Robins.

Wrongfully accused Billy the Kid and his sidekick, Fuzzy Q. Jones, escape the law by entering the ghost town of Laramy, the very town whose citizens cleared out because they believed they were being terrorized by Billy.

A few citizens remain, including former sheriff Dalton Sykes, who continues to seek a gold vein found earlier by rancher Frank Kincaid, who was murdered by Sykes for his claim. Since that time, Sykes’s gang has ridden roughshod over any who attempted to settle in Laramy, and he now sends his henchmen to kill Billy and Fuzzy.

Billy, using the name Bill Andrews, and Fuzzy rescue Kincaid’s grown children, Martha and Johnny, from Sykes’s henchmen, and the Kincaids, who have been at school in the East and are unaware that their father is dead, are puzzled to find that his ranch has been abandoned.

When Fuzzy starts to play Kincaid’s old violin, Sykes’s men believe that Kincaid’s ghost is haunting them. The violin is broken in the ensuing gunfight, but Billy discovers Kincaid’s gold map hidden inside it. Billy captures two of Sykes’s men, Rufe and Trigger but is unable to extract a confession from them as to who killed Kincaid. Billy becomes suspicious of Sykes, and asks Johnny to get the Marshal from a nearby town.

Sykes, meanwhile, earns Martha’s confidence and she tells him about the map. Billy turns an altered copy of the map over to Sykes on demand, which leads Sykes astray. When he returns, Sykes grabs the real map and attempts to kill Billy and Fuzzy, but is interrupted by Johnny and the Marshal. Sykes almost escapes, but Billy captures him, and the map is turned over to Johnny and Martha, who take over their father’s ranch. With Sykes’s reign of terror put to an end, peaceful citizens return to Laramy, and Billy, having proven his innocence to the marshal, rides off with Fuzzy for their next adventure.


  • Buster Crabbe – Billy the Kid, posing as Bill Andrews
  • Al St. John – Fuzzy Q. Jones
  • Caroline Burke – Martha Kincaid
  • John Merton – Dalton Sykes
  • Edwin Brian – Johnny Kincaid
  • Jack Ingram – Trigger
  • Slim Whitaker – Rufe
  • Kermit Maynard – Joe
  • Ted Adams – Replaced by Karl Hackett
  • Jimmy Aubrey – Deputy
  • Art Dillard – Deputy
  • Augie Gomez – Deputy
  • Bert Dillard – Luke
  • Karl Hackett – The Marshal

„Der König von Wildwest V. Teil: Tödliches Gold“ (The Mysterious Rider) ist ein Western von 1942 unter der Regie von Sam Newfield nach einem Drehbuch von Sam Robins.

Der zu Unrecht angeklagte Billy the Kid und sein Handlanger Fuzzy Q. Jones entkommen dem Gesetz, indem sie in die Geisterstadt Laramy eindringen, in die Stadt, deren Bürger sie verließen, weil sie glaubten, von Billy terrorisiert zu werden.

Einige wenige Bürger sind geblieben, darunter der ehemalige Sheriff Dalton Sykes, der weiterhin nach einer Goldader sucht, die der Rancher Frank Kincaid gefunden hatte, der von Sykes wegen seines Anspruchs ermordet wurde. Seitdem hat Sykes' Bande jeden, der sich in Laramy niederlassen wollte, mit Füßen getreten, und nun schickt er seine Schergen, um Billy und Fuzzy zu töten.